Use "became impotent|become impotent" in a sentence

1. Impotent.

2. The operation left him impotent.

3. Isn't it obvious I'd become impotent with a furry wife?

4. Turned out to be impotent.

5. She blazed with impotent rage.

6. What a bumbling, impotent buffoon!

7. They say it expresses women's impotent desire.

8. The result is a compound of vulgar rascalities and impotent Byronics

9. They are impotent in the face of a centralised, powerful state.

10. 11 Being impotent, false gods can furnish no witnesses.

11. The female equivalent of some guy who was impotent.

12. I was wandering, mad with rage, naked, impotent.

13. Without the chairman's support, the committee is impotent.

14. It shows that amulets and charms are impotent, powerless.

15. Clearly, not all legislatures are impotent or dying institutions.

16. They have become impotent - a fact which naturally causes a great deal of anxiety to them and to their wives.

17. They were virtually impotent against the power of the large companies.

18. We felt quite impotent to resist the will of the dictator.

19. The U.S. seems impotent to influence events in the region.

20. The rebels are “ashamed” of these impotent trees and gardens.

21. And of this, if thou hast become impotent, if thou no longer Arousest anything, what other purpose wilt thou serve?24

22. They sit in impotent opposition while the country goes to the dogs.

23. At one time such excluded or impotent minorities tended to be religious.

24. Emergency services seem impotent in the face of such a disaster.

25. So for women, housework prevents breast cancer, but for men, shopping could make you impotent.

26. 20 The use of Ozawa's impotent carriers as a decoy force was brilliant.

27. If he is impotent, he could keep up appearances by adopting children.

28. The aggression of a bully leaves people feeling hurt, angry and impotent.

29. A female caged with an impotent male produced clutches at roughly one month intervals.

30. The Great Powers flexing their military muscles like so many impotent beach boys.

31. Herta sometimes looks as though she could do with the odd impotent interlude.

32. He felt impotent, uncertain about what he should be doing, what was expected of him.

33. They feel at ease negotiating interests but impotent to deal with value-loaded issues.

34. You feel so impotent when your child is ill and you cannot help them.

35. And, of course, on a cloudy day a solar cooker can be rendered impotent.

36. For women, housework prevents breast cancer, but for men, shopping could make you impotent.

37. He was protecting a weak, impotent, passive-Aggressive father who wanted his wife dead.

38. A society, apparently working well, can stand impotent before its most domestic and external threats and important opportunities.

39. Most prominent amongst these are terms that mock the miller as an impotent and inadequate cuckold.

40. • The mass is politically Apathetic and impotent, and policy is imposed upon this large proportion

41. At this point, economic incentives and bureaucratic rules alone are impotent to make him a useful citizen.

42. She is adamant about what she really really wants, and finds Selvon a limp and impotent disappointment.

43. Antonyms for Cost effective include unprofitable, loss-making, impotent, incapable, unfruitful, unproductive, unskilled, valueless, worthless and draining

44. An impotent little misfit who's gonna spend the rest of his life on the outside looking in.

45. You’ll notice the limp cigarette hanging out of his mouth, and "impotence" -- the headline is, "Impotent" -- it’s not emphysema.

46. However, rumors began to circulate among the men that taking Atabrine would make them sterile and render them sexually impotent.

47. You'll notice the limp cigarette hanging out of his mouth, and " impotence " -- the headline is, " Impotent " -- it's not emphysema.

48. People are not lazy, they simply have impotent goals..that is..goals that do not inspire them. Tony Robbins 

49. 19 Impotent show the penis cannot erect, or erect not firm, send indispose to insert the vagina, cannot make love.

50. Any objections from the latter would have likely had no effect, since the Soviet government had effectively been rendered impotent long before December.

51. Primates and prelates exercised political power most effectively when they were moving in support of magnate opposition; against united barons they were impotent.

52. She was swamped by a wave of impotent anger at and violent dislike for the man whose dogged persistence bordered on persecution.

53. Synonyms for Cloyed include palled, became nauseating, become nauseating, became sickening, become sickening, became distasteful, become distasteful, became tedious, become tedious and became tiresome

54. Red fly see teacher younger brother impotent, and advice to visit three master, master is a rejuvenation, power is endless old holy terror.

55. Usable report excitement treats appearance to stimulate the penis of impotent patient, make its appear reflexible erects, reaffirm ground tells a patient his to function force is normal.

56. Worry too much before sexual intercourse, if fear to be pregnant, fear the gender is pestiferous etc, all but because the mood is depressed and happen impotent.

57. If thou hast become impotent, if thou no longer Arousest any-thing, what other purpose wilt thou serve?” These flashes of the Texcocan ruler as a leading protagonist in a moral and historical universe of preconquest central Mexico suggest a deeper cultural relevance than Lee may admit

58. Draw this in your style send art asap this is impotent only Antsier if you are a artist and drawing the images send at asap damioningram23 is waiting for your help

59. The good and evil with man's nature Blent, / The weal and woe that heaven's decrees have sent— / Impute them not to motions of the skies— / Skies than thyself ten times more impotent.

60. Morality is often rendered impotent by human selfishness, avarice and wickedness. And few people take morality seriously, or are committed to what is morally right, when personal interests are at stake. Dr T.P.Chia 

61. Became definition, the simple past tense of Become

62. As the demo did two years earlier, “Bastardizing the Purity” serves as a present-day example of the ferocity with which early-to-mid 1990s bestial black metal emasculated the more impotent varieties of output demonstrated by most contemporaries.

63. Bitey A subgrouping in fandom that derives emotional or sexual gratification from reading stories, fantasizing about, or writing fanfiction involving impotent, emo characters with cosmetic vampiric traits who are otherwise indistinguishable from pulp romance novel love interests.

64. What does Became mean? Simple past tense of become

65. Synonyms for Buddied up include palled up, became friendly, become friendly, made friends, became friends, become friends, chummed up, got in, gotten in and formed a friendship

66. Yalad -- to bear, bring forth, beget 13), bearing (3), bears (6), became (1), became the father (144), become the father (2), become the fathers (1), beget (3), begetting (1), Begot …

67. ‘Smugness, Conceit, an arrogance which has the appearance of humility… here I can no longer reserve my hatred for these impotent writers.’ ‘He looked at the miracle of his creation of the Khalsa and attributed it to the Khalsa, without pride or Conceit.’ ‘Indeed, Conceit, arrogance, and …

68. Parliament's increasing irrelevance in sorting out these problems--indeed, its role in exacerbating them--is fueling a growing preference among Indians for a presidential system of government that removes executive functions from the oversight of an institution that has been addled and rendered impotent by undisciplined factions.

69. My love can only pass by quietly,love,became lost,you,become the past.

70. Become definition, to come, change, or grow to be (as specified): He became tired

71. 2 My love can only pass by quietly,love,became lost,you,become the past.

72. Formalism was become catch the archenemy that fulfil, became influence reform, development, stable formidable enemy.

73. To grow or come to be: became more knowledgeable; will Become clearer in the morning

74. 13 Some became apprentices who worked beside a master craftsman to become competent in their field.

75. And then, almost inevitably, I became a travel writer so my job and my joy could become one.

76. However, as fish began to become more scarce in the late 20th century, the newly found delicacy became popular.

77. 18 Now when it became day, there was quite a disturbance among the soldiers over what had become of Peter.

78. Then he developed cataplexy —a condition causing him to become weak in the knees and collapse whenever he became excited.

79. The Word Became flesh to make us "partakers of the divine nature": "For this is why the Word Became man, and the Son of God Became the Son of man: so that man, by entering into communion with the Word and thus receiving divine sonship, might become a son of God." "For the Son of God Became man so that we might become God."

80. Transcribed image text: For Knowledge representation, we need to used problem reduction False Ture We can used Backword chain and forward chain for management the Al Applications? False Ture Relations between objects represents one of impotent point for increase complexity* Ture False guaranteed of the solution that found in the end methods work is optimal can answer by using patter …